Game Review 3: Project Snowblind
You play as Nathan, a bio-enhanced super soldier. Your missions take place through the city of Hong Kong. A group of mencenaries has arrived and is threatening the city. You, as a super soldier, together with your troops must stop them before it is too late. To start off with, Project Snowblind is a great game, with interesting objectives throughout the missions. The graphics aren't bad either. Although there aren't many weapons ( about 11) at your disposal, but they are still exciting to use. There is the icepick, which you fire into a machine to hack it. You can even hack into an enemy's robot and use it to turn against its owner. And there is also a gun that spreads smart mines. Now, that is special. As a super soldier, you have super powers like enhanced vision, cloak, reflex boost, electrical storm and the ballistic shield, all of which can be activated. Yes, I know that although you are fighting the mecenaries all the time, there are times when you can really feel bored in this game. But, let's not jump to conclusions. The enemy uses tanks, robots and manual turrets. There are also the enemy's robots and the automatic turret which is activated by alert. Interesting, you may say. You can ride in two types of vehicles: the normal car which you can use for ramming enemies, and the car which has weapons mounted onto it. Be careful because the enemies are smart enough to lay mines. The A.I is smart too. All of them seem to react in a different way in a given situation. The missions are challenging, even when you play the easy mode. Fabulous game. The producers are very creative, the first I've ever seen in any of the FPS games. Go for it, it's better than Halo 2. Visit this site: for screenshots galore.
Overall score: 10/10
Platform available: Xbox and PC
Good points: Creativity flows in the game. The enemy is creative, so you need to too.
Bad points: Saving the game is hard as the saving points are very far apart from one another. If you die in between, it's time to start all over agian.