Whose launch line-up was better? The PS3's or the Wii's? Read on to find out.
PS3 Launch Games
While the PS3 is indeed a powerful console, the launch line-up was not. A few games that were slated for release on launch day got pushed back to 2007, including Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and F.E.A.R. The PS3 launch line-up consisted mostly of sports games from EA Sports with a few other games being ports of games already on other platforms like the Xbox 360 and the other last-gen consoles. What is inexcusable is that the PS3 version of Tony Hawk’s Project 8 excludes online multiplayer. In a nutshell, the PS3 launch line-up was average at best. The only launch game that stands out is shooter Resistance: Fall of Man. Blessed with a 40-player multiplayer, a creative storyline and cutting-edge graphics, the game will keep PS3 owners occupied for quite a while.
Wii Launch Games
The Wii, no doubt, launched with a bang with Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess leading a pack of winning games like Rayman Raving Rabbids and Trauma Center: Second Opinion. The Wii got off to a good start, but the launch line-up, like the PS3’s, was also marred by ports of games that are already on other platforms. Call of Duty 3 received a nasty visual downgrade and worst of all, provided no online play, a feature that is present in other versions of Call of Duty 3. In fact, none of the Wii launch games support online play. However, the fact that almost a dozen Virtual Console games were up for download on launch day compensated for the lack of online play from the launch games. Generally speaking, the Wii launch line-up was slightly better than the PS3’s. Wii Sports is even included in the package.
Winner: Wii
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