Platform available: Wii
Release date: Wii launch game (around late October or early November)
Red Steel is a first-person shooter (FPS) game offering by Ubisoft made from the ground up for the upcoming Wii console. For a start, Red Steel is set in the streets of Japan, which look surprisingly beautiful. Shooting is done using the Wii-mote, pointing at the screen to aim and pressing a button behind the analogue stick control. To reload, just shake your controller upwards. Looking at the latest Red Steel trailer, it seems that you have the ability to freeze time too. Press the 'A' button on the Wii-mote and just like PC game F.E.A.R, slow-mo takes place. During which the time will slow down and you will be presented with an opportunity to line up an order of shots. For example, if you want to shoot that person first, point at that person, then point at the other one beside. After the slow-mo moment ends, the shooting will automatically occur in the order that you have selected. This will be particularly useful for taking down several enemies without injuring yourself much, or for precise shooting. You can also hold your weapon is a different way. Tilt the Wii-mote sideways and your weapon will also appear horizontally on the screen (picture below).

Dodging enemy fire has been made simple too. To dodge, just act like what you do in reality. Move your entire body to your right or left, and your character will do the same. It is that natural, thanks to the innovative Wii-mote. Oh yeah, sword-fighting. For the sword-fighting segment, and just like the dodging part, just act natural. Just imagine your enemy on-screen to be real person. What would you do if he's charging at you with a sword? Block, of course! Okay, now see the Wii-mote as a real sword. And just swing the Wii-mote accordingly, just like what you would do in real life. Oh, before I forget, to open doors, just slide the Wii-mote horizontally. From what I can see from the latest trailer, you will be fighting fellow human beings. No, not aliens, not demons, but the bad guys will be holding other people hostage to make the game more interesting and challenging. Ah, that is when the slow-mo comes in handy! As I mentioned earlier, the graphics look surprsingly beautiful. And they are (fortunately)! Look at the screenshot above again and tell me whether the ageing GameCube can achieve that kind of graphics. It just goes to show that the Wii is still capable of displaying impressive visuals, although it only supports the 480p format (the PS3 supports 1080p, the Xbox 360 720p - 720p is the minimum for HD images). If you are planning on purchasing the Wii, Red Steel, without doubt, is one of the must-have games. Absolutely. Perhaps it will be one of the Wii best launch games besides Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess. Keep your eyes glued for more details soon.
See it for yourself! To download the latest Red Steel trailer, click
here (Select 'GC 2006 trailer').
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