When news first leaked out that there would be an Opera web browser for the DS and DS Lite, I was really excited, but the guys at IGN DS suggested otherwise -- that is, after a hands-on session on the Japanese version, which is already out. Afterall, that is one more added function to the DS consoles. However, the positive also seems to come with a negative too. Well, the screenshot says it all (image below).

The upper screen will display the almost full, but heavily scaled down, webpage, which is obviously too small for viewing pleasure. You have to select a portion that you want to read and the zoomed in area will be displayed on the lower screen. Now, that sounds a little tedious. Fortunately, there is another method (image below).

Using this method, both the DS screens will be utilized to display a portion of the webpage. No zooming in is required and the text can instantly be read. However, judging from the screenshot above, the webpage does not seem to appear the same as the one that is seen on the PC. The interface, although occupied by many icons, looks uncluttered, neat and well-organized.

To input the URL, either the lower touch-screen turns into a virtual keyboad or that you have to wirte out each alphabet manually (image below), which I think may be quite a hassle.

The Opera Nintendo DS Browser software comes in a package that includes the normal DS game card and extra RAM. Insert and the DS card and launch the browser just like any other game. Insert the extra RAM into the GBA cartridge slot and it will act as cache storage. Do not expect to download anything when using the web browser -- there is simply not enough space! Furthermore, you can only surf one webpage at any given point of time. According to IGN DS, a webpage will take quite a long time to load and the web browser does not even support Flash, movie files, Java and images except .GIF and .JPG formats. Oh, doesn't it defeats the purpose of web surfing then? PSP owners have a better life at web browsing. There is no need for any additional software because the web browsing mechanism is already built in. Not to mention that the PSP screen is bigger and more suitable for web browsing too. Is the Nintendo DS Browser an alternative from conventional web browsing? By the looks of it now, no. Is it just a novelty? I do not know for sure because I have not tried it out, but don't worry, once the English version emerges, I will be one of the first few to grab it off the shelves, and there you go, you will receive the full review of this web browser then. Watch this space!
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