In the second part of the must-have series, I will touch on some of the must-play games to date.
::: HALO (XBOX) :::
If you own a Xbox, you absolutely need to get Halo. Okay, let me put it in this way:You must get it. Halo is a masterpiece that marries tense and intriguing gameplay with extremely memorable music. Definetly a must-get for all gamers -- even if you do not like shooters. This game currently occupies the number 5 position of my "all-time greatest Top 10 games".
::: MARIO KART DS (DS) :::
There is no reason why you should not be getting this game. This is simply one of the best Mario games around! Mario and his pals duke it out on any of the 32 tracks with their karts and power-ups. Their cute voices will stay in your ears for a long time to come. Round it off with the ever addictive battle mode and throw in multiplayer and you will have one of the best games around. Number 4 on my "all-time greatest Top 10 games" Did I mention that I am still playing it now?
::: CALL OF DUTY 2 (PC, XBOX 360, PS2) :::

Add a touch of cinematic feel to an already perfect game and you will get one of the best games ever. Playing the game feels like fighting in WW2. Alright, it really feels like it. The game totally transports you to another world, away from reality. And if your mood is down, the soldiers inside the game are on hand to crack some jokes that will make you want to laugh. Too bad the game only lasts 6-8 hours. Wait, there is still multiplayer! Number 3 position on my "all-time greatest Top 10 games".
::: COUNTER STRIKE *all variations (PC) :::
The multiplayer keeps you coming for more action. Okay, this game in entirely multiplayer, so it has to be good, right? The variety of weapons and strategies that you can deploy make the game much more exciting. This game is just like a can of Pringles: Once you pop, you can't stop. Occupies a number 2 on my "all-time greatest Top 10 games".
::: HALF-LIFE [including expansions]/HALF-LIFE 2/HALF-LIFE 2:EPISODE ONE (PC) :::
Get the whole series of Half-Life 2 games. They are the best! Half-Life 2 is not about pace, but about the engaging storyline that keeps you playing. An acceptable variety of enemies and weapns improves the game. Alright, you have to play them all to experience HL for yourself. Here's the secret: The entire HL series currently occupies the throne for my "all-time greatest Top 10 games". Don't forget the music: It is just as memorable as Halo's, if not more.
Other games worth considering: Mario and Luigi:Partners In Time (DS), Doom 3 (PC,XBOX), Project:Snowblind (PC,PS2,XBOX), Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater (PS2), Metal Gear Solid 3:Subsistence (PS2), Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (PS2,XBOX), Resident Evil 4 (PS2,GC), Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC), Tekken:Dark Resurrection (PSP).
Next up: Must-have Gaming Hardware of Tomorrow
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