Game Preview 4:Need for Speed Carbon

Publisher: EA
Platform available: PC, Xbox 360, Xbox, PS3, PS2, Wii, GC, PSP, DS, GBA
Release date: Year-end
Barely 12 months after the release of Need for Speed Most Wanted, EA has again plans to release another Need for Speed game, this time being Need for Speed Carbon, within this year. Like the previous Need for Speed game, Carbon will be released for all the consoles and PC, including the current-generation ones and even the GBA! You can be sure that the settings for Carbon will look more terrific than ever. Carbon will maintain some of Need for Speed Most Wanted features, including the notoriety system and needless to say, the gorgeous cars. The new thing that Carbon will sport is what they call the 'Canyon Duels', a new mode. This mode pits you against another car (it is a one-on-one). Rather than finishing first, the mode focuses on the points earned. There are two rounds and you will have to chase a car in the first round. The closer you are, the quicker the points come. In the second round, it is the directly opposite. Now, the opponent car will chase you. Better maintain your pace. Another new addition to the new NFS game is the crew. Your crew may help you in many ways and support you, aiding you to win the race. For example, they may help you to block your opponent's car. Therefore, I expect the crew to be a very important thing in Carbon. You may even get discounts at buying car parts! Last but not least, there will be three car classes in Carbon: Tuner, muscle and exotic. Tuner cars are well, you know, modern sport cars. Muscle cars are sport cars from the 70's and 80's. Exotic cars are those with hundreds of horsepower. All in all, Carbon does not stray too much from the tried and tested formula of most NFS games. Now, I wonder how NFS Carbon will play on the Wii and if NFS Carbon on PS3 will feature better graphics than other versions. Okay, just wait and check back for more updates beacause that is all that I know.
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