RTS games on the go!
What was once an exclusive game genre to the PC is now becoming more common on the ... ... guess what ... ... the DS! 3 game titles have shown it -- Advanced Wars:Dual Strike, Age of Empires:Age of Kings and the forthcoming Panzer Tactics DS. Although the pace of the gameplay of the portable RTS (Real-time Strategy) games is slower than that of their PC counterparts, the crux of RTS games still remains -- the need to strategize. Sure, the landscapes are not as detailed as the PC versions, but why not give these games a try? Panzer Tactics DS gave me a scare the other day when I heard that it is arriving. Well, this is defintely the trend (more RTS games on portable consoles) to look out for for the next few years. Here, take a look at the 3 portable RTS games I mentioned earlier.
Advanced Wars: Dual Strike

Panzer Tactics DS (No box art available yet)
This game is not in stores yet; it will be released soon.
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