5 most anticipated games (2006-2007)
Many exciting games are coming your way this year and the next, but which one is the most anticipated by the gaming masses? Here, 5 of the most anticipated games will be presented to you. Please note: The games are not in order of popularity.

HALO 3 (Xbox 360)Believe it or not, Halo 3 is one enormous game that will push sales of the Xbox 360 console. Halo 3 will end the Halo story and there is no reason for you not to get Halo 3. I can already picture people queing up hours before the release of the game, so that they can one of the first few to get their hands on Halo 3.
METAL GEAR SOLID 4:GUN OF THE PATRIOTS (PS3)That can't be forgetting about this game, can you? Snake has got that distinctive look that will require much effort if you want to shake his image off your mind. By the way, Snake is getting older. Hope that he still has the strength to carry on his job -- which is to appear in this game and beyond! Definitely one of the must-buys PS3 games!
Alright, gald to know that the sequel to one of the most successful games is coming soon. What do you say? I say it is time to conquer again! You still need to wait quite a long time before you can get a taste of this game because it is still in works, but ... ... okay, just wait patiently. Use the gorgeous graphics to cheer youself up. At least you know that Command and Conquer 3 will be like its predecessors -- a hit.
HALO 2 for Windows Vista (PC)
Halo 2 is finally coming to the PC after such a long wait. Currently, Halo 2 can only be played on Xbox. For PC gamers, who do not own an Xbox console, you are unable to play Halo 2. After playing Halo on your PC, you are so disappointed that you cannot try out Halo 2, just because you do not own a Xbox. But your pain will end soon. The bad news: You are behind others, because they've already played the game. My advice: Try to get the Xbox 360, so you can play Halo 3 on time.
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You must find out
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You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?
You may die today.
You may die within a week
You may die within a month
you may die within a year
you may die within the next ten years
one thing for sure
You will die
so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.
10:41 AM
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