Here is another reason why PlayStaion fans should rejoice. Yeah, you got it right, this gadget was specially built for use with PlayStation 2s. Don't you worry yet, PC gamers, you can hook this gadget up on your computer too. Just like the Saitek X45 Digital Joystick and Throttle (
Hardware Guide 15) that gives great experience with flight simulation games, this Logitech product does the same thing for racing games. With the quantity of racing games hitting the shelves of the stores nowadays, this gadget would probably be very useful and enjoyable to fans of racing games. To start with, this gadget possesses a USB port connection, a dual-clamping system, eight distinctive PS2 buttons (you know, the X, triangle, square etc. buttons on the PS2 contoller) and a gas and brake pedal nicely rooted to the floorboard (as shown in the image above). Other features include the wheel that can turn 900 degrees, the stick shifter that is used for changing gears and a force feedback system. Just like in a real car, you may say. Quick! Bring in the chair or table, clamp the gadget to it and you can get started. Don't forget to plug the gadget in. Okay, let's get back. Logitech is kind enough to give gamers a choice whether they want to use the stick shifter or the wheel-mounted buttons for changing gears. The rubber wheel provides a you a firm grip on it during races too. Ahh, playing at your PS2 just feels like playing with the video games machine.
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