Achievement Unlocked! Episode 2
We're back for another episode!
Nokia N-Gage Service

Just as everyone thought that Nokia’s attempt at gaming, the N-Gage, will not see the light of the day ever again, Nokia popped in with a pleasant surprise. In the transition, N-Gage has been transformed from a gaming device to a gaming service. Mobile phone users can download the N-Gage application onto compatible phone models like the higher-end Nokia N-series models, including N73, N93 and N95. The newer handsets like N81 and N95 8GB will come preloaded with the application. From within their phones, users will be able to launch the N-Gage service and go online to download games. Free demos of games will also be available. In addition, Nokia has also partnered with various game publishers to bring big hits to the N-Gage service, some of which are The Sims 2 Pets and FIFA 08. The service launches in November and games will cost 6 to 10 euros each.
Not bad an offering – for a traditionally non-gaming company. For this, the Nokia N-Gage Service receives this award. Oh, wait, you don’t own a compatible Nokia phone? You may have to give this a miss.
Gears of War, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 and DiRT

Um, yeah, it’s a three-way tie. I have no choice – they all looked so good! But to be fair, Gears of War was the first Xbox 360 game to churn out the best visuals. Ubisoft followed in Gears of War footsteps with Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 and so did Codemasters with its long-running Colin Mcrae franchise. Realistic, stunning and gorgeous are words that I will use to associate with the graphics in these games. Nothing less is appropriate description. Come on, shell out some money for these games! Stop torturing your eyes with Touch the Dead for the DS!
Viva Piñata: Party Animals


Bonus DVDs detailing behind the scenes stuff - you have seen it all, I have seen it all too. And admit it, you’re getting tired of the usual stuff. Let’s throw in a Master Chief Helmet for the Legendary Edition of Halo 3, suggests Bungie or Microsoft, whoever decides what gets into the package. Well, a helmet you can’t wear. How about an information book included with the collector’s edition of Forza Motorsport 2? Whoever wants to read what is already known? A figurine? Okay, that sounds good, but above all, I prefer shirts. That’s a nice way to portray to everyone out in the streets that you are a gamer, isn’t it? And well, that’s something that you can actually use in daily life, unlike the many collectibles that have been supplied with the collector’s edition of various games throughout the years. Look out! Hard Boiled, an action film, is even included with the collector’s edition of John Woo Presents Stranglehold for PS3. Now, that’s a change from the usual stuff. But come on, I still want a shirt. Do you?

Advertisements are fast becoming commonplace in games. Don’t believe? Look no further than the latest progression of advertisements in games – some Ubisoft full-version PC games, including Rayman Raving Rabbids, Far Cry and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time have been made free for download on FilePlanet. This is only possible because the games are ad-supported. So, for example, while the game is loading, an advertisement from your favorite McDonald’s may pop up. Advertisements in games are not necessarily a bad thing. In a way, it helps developers and publishers to pass the savings down to customers and games can be had at a lower cost or even for free as demonstrated in this case. Previous games like Battlefield 2142 and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory have also featured advertisements. As of now, the only home console online service that needs to be paid is Xbox Live, but I am not far from wrong to predict that in the near future, it would be made free for all, partly due to the fact from the competition, but most likely, because of the influx of advertising in games. Xbox Live may become ad-supported and free subscription would follow.
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